Sunday, March 22, 2020

'boy you've got a prayer in memphis'

5 boost post charge

'There are about a dozen manufacturers of the lifesaving device in the world, and only around five in the U.S. So Ventec Life Systems intends to do what it can to help cope with the worldwide shortage by ramping up production. Within the next 90 days, Kiple says, his company will move from its typical production of 150 machines a month to 1,000 per month. Kiple hopes to hit 2,000 per month later in the year.'

okay the people i see in my head said it's ok we should do a fb fundraiser for the cdc don't feel like you have to donate if you do plz dont use your main debit card use the one you put money into only when youre about to use it and its in a separate institution from your main card:

- cdc fb fundraiser

d i y ventilator from an oxygen machine and a bipap machine:

ring ring we are called (it means something to us)

so we didn't want to go to church again yesterday

time to start testing god on this (tithing) our own church to see of it meets with his/her/their approval

see we've had this dream we were homeless when we were homeless - a dream of the perfect way to live if you had plenty of money and everything and one of our favorite things to dream of were the shower bed

a bed where you could just lay back and relax and if you couldnt get up to go to the kitchen or bathroom you wouldnt have to

or if you just didnt want to anymore because you almost lost your leg below the knee to a cement burn for $5/ hr no health insurance and you realized you were possibly killing yourself for no reason 

now it looks as though the shower bed would have saved millions of flu and other sufferer's lives or at least remedied much of their suffering

we were also fans of the bangor daily news because of ClickBack and when they were going through the same trouble all newspapers had at the enormous expansion of digital news we thought they could still operate their website for free if they had an online store

mysteries of venus store

church store

it just felt write - pardon the faux pun

so we tried adding a store to our blog posts and it worked - even tho we haven't sold anything yet - but it read well and our blogger google metrics said many people visited

we've thought of many ways to do the shower bed since the 1990s and some architectural showers now incorporate something similar:


- shower bench

sunwin vich shower bath
 (alibaba is owned by jack ma -- the world's most famous communist billionaire)

link to this post to copy pasre:


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