Monday, March 23, 2020

so in the movie john nash saw an imaginary little girl along with his imaginary college roommate charles herman and just after ww2 near where john nash grew up a little girl named betty sodder went missing

betty's middle name was dolly

after i found the hypnotic trigger or whatever it was i started hearing voices of cartoon like people i could see and talk to but there were many other strange visions and occurences too

one was a little girl with a very intriguing expression she just appeared for a few moments

this would have been between 1998 and 2003

years later after learning to use the internet for a sci fi story i stumbled upon the story of betty sodder and the missing sodder children, and the now famous picture of betty was the vision i had seen back then

before and after that i would see an image of a little angel who looked similar to betty sodder and who i thought was a spirit angel

were were informed spirit angels were very fast and this one had a message to tell but we forgot about the message as we were both hungry so we began talking about food

one time we were behind the pharmacy at the gateway crossing shopping center and the little angel tried making the payphone ring by calling out 'ring ring!'

i went and checked but it wasn't ringing and we felt a little sad because we thought it meant we couldn't call home but things got better when we were finally able to get a phone and then we gave a few phones away and all of the people in my head could suddenly use the internet for real

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