Monday, April 5, 2021

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our aunt sally's grandson, capitol police officer  billy evans, was murdered on good friday, 2021

as soon as i heard noah green's name (before i found out about billy) i became paranoid because of the notorious dr green who was claimed by many online reports of childhood trauma based mind control survivors to either be josef mengele or his coerced protege dr greenbaum, who had worked for the cia

sure enough, noah green posted before the attack that he believed he had been drugged and was experiencing mind control

our mom's boss's boss at williams college, according to his williams bio, was once for a year during ww2, director of the oss, which became the cia after the war and richard helms, who was in charge of the mk ultra program, graduated williams college in 1935

i was part of an experiment by the williams college psychiatry department when i  was in the 10th grade in 1978 that allegedly involved hypnotism and which really seemed harmless at the time, but that i found out later was on going as the professor who did the experiment showed up later in my life at different places and times

i found the hypnotic trigger (a cross on a chain with two pieces of hardware from a hardware store connected to it by the chain of the cross, entangled in the chain of my bicycle which i had hidden in the woods near an angel's trumpet flower) that gave me psychosis on the border of st pete and clearwater

i did not plant the angel's trumpet flower and left it alone

it grew year after year

one day i was staying with my friend dorothy and the news showed a helicopter flying over the intersection of i 275 and roosevelt blvd near where my bike was hidden and they had found the body of cheryl commesso, who allegedly was found to be murdered by franklin delano floyd and matt birkbeck wrote a book about the murder and the life of another girl, who appeared to be floyd's daughter, allegedly named sharon marshall

the book was named 'a beautiful child' and it involved alleged trauma based abuse

franklin delano floyd was once incarcerated about the same time as mk ultra experiment survivor whitey bulger at the atlanta federal penitentiary, where mk ultra experiments were performed

i wrote about what i learned on the book's fb page like i am doing here, because the more i tell, the more i find out and the more i find out, the more i can tell...

...and because both franklin floyd and i had been incarcerated at the pinellas county jail and were diagnosed with scizophrenia, i asked him to tell who sharon marshall really was and he eventually did, her real name was susan sevakis and she had been floyd's step daughter, who he said was going to have been the childhood victim of a snuff film so he ran away with her when her mother was arrested for kiting a check

so you see, it is not by coincidence billy was murdered, someone planned it, possibly russians, possibly rockefellers, possibly satanists, possibly the ossiri, etc...

  - Madalina Poetry FB Page March 20th, 2024 .