Tuesday, March 26, 2019

god said do not get revenge because god will get revenge for us

i warned chief bresset here in van buren not to steal my blood when he blue papered me here in maine

a few months after he blue papered me and helped cary med take my blood illegally his brother and sister in law were crushed by a log truck

then he was suspended for being caught on camera smashing a woman's head onto a table and then a few months ago he was hit by a truck during a whiteout as he was assissting other motorists and broke multiple bones while having to crawl across the road to avoid being crushed by an oncoming truck

some also crazy guy stomped on my knees a week or 2 after i had stomped on an anole lizard that was run over by my bike in the same location the lizard had been greiviously injured

he was mad because i walked my bicycle across the crosswalk which i was doing because i didnt want to ride on the sidewalk where i had run over the lizard


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